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A Physical Activity that may address culturally based fears ABCD peoples have historically connected fears that are socially undermined and disregarded.

We invite campers and staff to an activity where they immersive themselves in a fun new skill, that faces a possible fear and allows campers to encourage each other through the experience.

It promotes vulnerability, trust in community and joy.


EX: Kayaking, Indoor Rock Climbing, Roller skating, TreeTop Trekking


A Physical Activity that may address culturally based fears ABCD peoples have historically connected fears that are socially undermined and disregarded.

We invite campers and staff to an activity where they immersive themselves in a fun new skill, that faces a possible fear and allows campers to encourage each other through the experience.

It promotes vulnerability, trust in community and joy.

EX: Kayaking, Indoor Rock Climbing, Roller skating, TreeTop Trekking

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Mental health conversations that focus on culturally or generational issues that are considered taboo.

This is a brave space. Push your growing edge. What is said here, stays here. What is learned here, leaves here.

Take ownership of your experience (ask for what you need/support, take care of yourself, and give feedback)

Co-Create the space with your time, presence, intention, and attention.

Be mindful of your privilege, power, and different lived experiences

One voice, all ears. 

Share the airtime, cut to the chase, and avoid jargon.
Speak only for yourself using 'I’ statements.

Assume best intentions (Affirm, Acknowledge, and Ask)

Challenge the idea or behavior - not the person

Have fun!


“Come for the adventure, stay for the conversation”


Camp is a culminative overnight experience that puts together all the season’s teachings. We take youth out of the city mentally and/or physically. The intention is to help campers break out of the bubble the city tends creates. We allow campers space, literally and figuratively, to discover themselves and each other away from distractions and day to day social and financial responsibilities. Campers are supplied with food, transportation, games and wellness activities in nature. We create a full schedule that allows campers to grow and test their limits. We encourage vulnerability, support systems and connections to nature. 

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  • $300.000 raised  in grants from the community

  • 7 camps bringing ABCD people to rest, play and nature

  • 6 years of research on ABCD people and happiness 

  • 100+ ABCD people connected  to local businesses & accessible support systems

  • 15 volunteer staff successfully went through our capacity building programme 

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